Perfecting your workflow to dissolve ECG data blind-spots


Whether you provide ECG analysis services to physicians with need for support in 12-lead ECG interpretation, nurses or paramedics on house calls or simply innovative pharmacies offering ECG check-ups, ECG CockpitTM is the perfect platform solution to cover your workflow.

ECG CockpitTM boasts swift and easy in-app bi-directional 12+ lead ECG communication between ECG recording stakeholders and your professional ECG data analysis network or central interpretation office. With ECG CockpitTM ECGs are recorded and processed to an ECG pool for analysis. Your ECG specialists’ findings are communicated back to the recording entity within seconds even in sub-optimal bandwidth circumstances.

Our mobile ECG class IIa medical devices CardioSecur Pro (available with either 12-leads or 22-leads) integrate seamlessly with the ISO27001 compliant ECG CockpitTM. For data backups or raw data transfer S2S IntegrationTM forms a perfect add-on.



Improving patient pathways and medical service workflow efficacy

•    iOS app-based bi-directional ECG and analysis communication 
•    Optimal interface on iPad retina displays
•    ECG recordings performed with the easiest to use 12+ ECG in the world: CardioSecur Pro
•    Perfectly adapts to your workflow
•    Accommodates both centralised and decentralised organisations
•    Digital security stamp on all ECG reports
•    ECG data packages optimised to enable data transfer within seconds, even in low bandwidth circumstances
•    Compliant with international information security and cloud service standards (ISO27001, 27001, 27002, 27018, EU-GDPR, HDS)
•    Proprietary server cluster located in Germany and Finland
•    Technology Made in Germany