Heart Attack Symptoms
November 9th, 2015
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in most industrialized countries. At this the acute myocardial infarction (also called heart attack) is the second leading cause of death among cardiovascular diseases.
But how does one recognize a heart attack? Among the best-known signs is the pain in the chest or the left arm. Symptoms of this type facilitate a faster diagnosis, which may be crucial for the further course of the disease. However, not everyone patient feels this kind of pain. After all, a heart attack can manifest itself in various ways. The difference is very obvious, especially between the two sexes. Women in particular often show symptoms that indicate not necessarily unique to a heart attack. Consequently, a heart attack in women is often incorrectly, late, or not at all diagnosed.
Typical female heart attack symptoms include:
· Feeling of pressure instead of strong pain
· Breathlessness
· Nausea, Vomiting
· Jaw pain
· Sweating
· Upper abdomen / back pain
In addition, other diseases, for example, Diabetes, may complicate the diagnosis, as diabetics often show little to no symptoms.
Thus, every minute counts: Basically, the sooner a heart attack is diagnosed, the better the chances of recovery. See also the article: The golden hour.