Vacation for Your Heart
July 18th, 2016
Whether or not your heart health is impaired: traveling is good for your heart health!
This is the conclusion of an ongoing trial, which monitors cardiac risk factors since 1948. Men aged between 35 and 57 years were examined in the trial. The trial concluded that the risk of suffering from a heart disease is reduced by 30 percent when regularly taking a holiday.
People who already suffer from coronary heart disease or had a heart attack should make sure to keep any physical burden during the trip low and to mitigate unnecessary strain on the heart. Exhausting hiking tours or jumping into ice-cold waters may have negative effects on the heart. Our advice for your next vacation:
Start your vacation with calmness and an abundance of joy. Relax thoroughly without stressing yourself.
To stay calm even when short episodes of heart symptoms arise while away from home, you may bring CardioSecur along with you. It gives you the opportunity to attain certainty and clarity on your heart’s condition any time. It will make your holidays more enjoyable and will give you and your heart the deserved relaxation.
CardioSecur wishes you a lovely holiday!