Very common following a heart attack but rarely recognized.
Out of 100 people who suffer a heart attack, only about 50 survive the following year. The reason: heart failure, which often develops after a heart attack, remains undetected or treatment is faulty.1
What is heart failure?
The main cause of heart failure is a previous heart attack. Depending on the severity, the heart attack damages the heart muscle tissue and reduces the pumping function of the heart. As a result, the body does not receive enough blood, oxygen and nutrients. Depending on the extent of the heart failure, different symptoms occur: Tiredness, reduced performance and fluid accumulation in the lungs or legs. People often misinterpret the symptoms and do not associate them with heart failure. Heart failure, also known as cardiac insufficiency, is not curable and the risk of death is high.
What can you do?
After a heart attack, it is important to be aware of the symptoms of heart failure and to take preventive and therapeutic measures early on. In this way, you can positively influence the course of your heart failure. In addition to taking your medication correctly, leading a healthy lifestyle is crucial. This is characterised by regular exercise, a healthy, balanced diet and abstaining from nicotine and alcohol in moderation. Relatives are a great support in implementing this.
To minimise the effects of a possible new heart attack, regular heart screenings are recommended. In addition to heart checks by a doctor, specialised mobile ECG systems offer the advantage of checking the heart at the time of symptoms.
Symptoms often cause a great deal of uncertainty as to whether they can be assigned to an acute event, such as another heart attack. A concrete feedback in the form of a recommendation for action enables quick action. Reacting correctly can prevent consequential damage and worse.
If you or a relative is affected, make a conscious decision for your health and support each other. Taking medication correctly, leading a healthy lifestyle and having regular heart checks, all contribute to a positive long-term prognosis. You can find more tips for a healthy lifestyle in other articles on our site.